Lagniappe – a little something extra


orange circle outline with orange arrow inside pointing down


A life and a career are much more a series of awkward outtakes than a glossy finished product. Sometimes your eyes are closed, your smile unknowingly morphs into a weird scrunchy face and there’s a garbage can and random post-it spoiling your curated backdrop. But that’s what makes it exciting, right?

So here’s my little something extra, the New Orleans concept of lagniappe – to better understand the mature business woman girl behind the company. Straight from my mouth to, umm, at least my grandma’s ears and maybe 10 or so other non-family members?

How did I get to CD Squared Consulting?

It’s been 30 years in the making, following a very non-linear path. Full of potholes, steep hills falling into deep valleys, and sometimes navigationally challenging. But it’s my road; my journey, and I’m excited to share it, and my new website, with you.

Yes – June 17th 2020 – is a great day to officially launch the brand and website of Carol’s Daughter Consulting and Development.  This one’s for you Mom.